A leaking drain line is not only unsanitary but also quite hazardous. Leaking drains can also result in water damage to your home which can in turn lead to even more expensive repairs. It is therefore important to identify and fix a drain line as soon as you notice a leak.
Symptoms of a leak
There are several ways you can determine that there is a leak in a drain line. These include frequent backing up of the drain line or nasty odors in the home or yard. Learning how to repair your drain line will help to get your sink back up and running again sooner.
How to fix a drain line
The following are repair methods that you can apply for drains that are made of PVC pipes.
- Repair leak with silicone or rubber repair tape
This involves applying the heavy duty tape to the part of the PVC pipe you are fixing. Silicone tape is thick and stretchy. It has a gummy inside surface. The tape can be stretched while applying it to increase compression as you wrap it around the drain pipe.
Pull the tape and wrap it tightly around the leaky section of the drain pipe. This will help to create a tight waterproof seal around the pipe.
2. Fiberglass wraps
A fiberglass wrap can be used to cover a leak in a PVC drain and provide a waterproof seal. These wraps consist of fiberglass cloth that is coated with resin that is activated when it comes in contact with water. Remove the wrap and wet it in water. Wrap it tightly around the leaky pipe or joint. Allow at least 15 minutes for the resin to harden or follow other instructions provided by the manufacturer for best results. You should try to extend the wrap at least 2 inches on either side of the leaking area to ensure that the pipe is sealed properly.
3. Epoxy repair
These are a great alternative to tape or wraps, especially when dealing with a leak in a tight space. Epoxies come in the form of liquids in a syringe or putty that can be applied on the PVC pipe. They can be used to repair both leaks and joints.
The area to which the epoxy is to be applied must be cleaned and dried out completely. Apply the epoxy following the manufacturer’s instructions. Let the epoxy dry. Many of them take at least 30 minutes to dry out. For best results, allow one hour for the epoxy to dry and achieve full strength.
4. Clamping
This involves using clamps to secure a thick piece of rubber around the leaky pipe. Identify the area where the leak is. Wrap a piece of rubber as tightly as you can around the pipe and apply hose clamps on either end of the rubber to secure it to the pipe. Tighten the clamps as much as you can. This offers a temporary solution and will give you time to get other supplies such as those mentioned above for a more permanent fix.
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