7 Ways the iPlumber Can Help You with Your Do It Yourself Project

Do it yourself plumbing can be a fun experience. If you decide to do some plumbing work by yourself, you will make notable savings and, at the same time, sharpen your plumbing skills. But at some point, you may get stuck if the DIY plumbing work is too demanding or a bit more technical. At this point, you will have to contact a plumber. You may also need a plumber’s help if you have a plumbing emergency, and it is necessary to fix the problem as quickly as possible. For instance, if you have a burst pipe, you may need a plumber’s help to have the problem fixed more quickly. 

Having a plumber or group of plumbers who are always available and ready to help you is an excellent idea if your DIY plumbing work is to be successful. The good news is that iPlumber can help you get access to a plumber at any time. Here are various ways in which the app can help you with your do it yourself project.


  • Finding a plumber if you have a plumbing emergency


Plumbing emergencies such as a burst sewer or water pipe, a clogged toilet, or a leaking water heater can occur at any time. Such problems need to be fixed in the shortest possible time because if not attended to, they can lead to significant losses or inconveniences. For example, a burst water pipe can cause a notable water loss in addition to the damage that the water that is oozing from the damaged pipe will cause to your building’s basement and foundation. A clogged toilet may cause a lot of inconveniences, while a leaking water heater can be a safety risk in addition to the losses that are associated with the problem. 

Getting someone to help you fix any plumbing emergency quickly is the best way to reduce the losses and damages that are associated with the problem. You can use iPlumber to speak with a certified plumber as soon as you realize that you have a plumbing emergency. Since the app provides 24/7 access to professional plumbers, you can use it to speak with a plumber any time a plumbing problem occurs. 


  • Requesting for a free estimate


If you are doing some DIY plumbing work like repairing a damaged kitchen sink system or fixing a running toilet and you find yourself needing some help, you can use iPlumber to seek advice and guidance from a plumber. 

The plumbers that you can contact via iPlumber are skilled and experienced, and hence, you can always have an assurance of getting accurate information from them.


  • Getting in touch with your plumbing mentor


You can contact your plumbing mentor any time you need assistance or guidance. A plumbing mentor is a licensed plumber that you have been working with via iPlumber to always help you with your DIY plumbing work and other plumbing jobs whenever you need assistance.


  • Video calling with your plumbing mentor and other available plumbers


The video calling feature is the most notable aspect of iPlumber. With this feature, you can talk directly with your plumbing mentor or other available plumber whenever you require help. The video calling capability enables you to show a video image of your problem to your plumber. The plumber will assess the problem and determine whether it is one that they can help you resolve by providing some tips, or it is a more complicated issue that requires a home visit by the plumber.


  • Comparing prices from different plumbers


Using iPlumber’s video calling, you can talk to different plumbers and compare the rates that they charge for a particular plumbing job. By comparing the prices offered by different plumbers, you can choose the best price and thus get the best deal to have your plumbing problem fixed.


  • Asking for help at any stage of your DIY plumbing project


Another benefit of iPlumber’s video calling is that it enables you to contact a plumber at any given stage of your DIY plumbing work. You don’t have to notify the plumber in advance about the work that you are doing. You can contact them at that point when you need help, and you will get assisted at an affordable rate. For a DIY plumbing project that is not complicated, the tips and advice that you will get from the plumber on iPlumber will go a long way in helping you do the work satisfactorily. 


  • Scheduling a discounted in-house visit with your plumber


iPlumber also stands out because you can use it to schedule an appointment with the licensed plumber that has been assisting you to your home. If you have a plumbing issue that looks complicated, you will comfortably discuss it with a plumber through the app and schedule an appropriate time for an in-house visit. Such visits usually get done at a discounted rate, which means that you will save some money.


There many ways in which iPlumber can help you with your DIY plumbing work. Such measures include finding a plumber when you have a plumbing emergency. It also includes contacting a plumber at any stage of a plumbing job and scheduling a visit by a plumber to your home.


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